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Pre pregnancy counselling

Planning a pregnancy can be daunting especially if you are affected by medical conditions or taking medication. A consultation with Anoop can outline how a pregnancy could affect your condition, and how the condition could affect the pregnancy.

Ultrasound scans

Anoop undertakes a range of ultrasound scans to ensure your baby is growing and developing as expected.

Invasive testing

Anoop is able to perform chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis. These tests are associated with a small risk of miscarriage and are performed on the NHS if there is a high chance of your baby being affected by a chromosomal abnormality or genetic syndrome.

Antenatal care

Anoop provides antenatal care for low and high risk pregnancies together with his team at MUMS. You will be supported during your pregnancy as often as you need and can then deliver with your NHS hospital.

Private births

Anoop performs Elective Caesarean Sections and Inductions of Labour. Private deliveries are undertaken at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital.

Postnatal care

Ensuring a smooth transition into parenthood, Anoop and the team provide postnatal care and support to address any concerns and ensure the well-being of both you and your newborn.